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Dear Friends of StreetLightUSA,

     It has been an honor to serve this organization and the children in our care for the past year. It is hard to believe we are entering our tenth year of providing Crisis Intervention, Safety & Support, A Healing Home, and Education & Life Skills in a Christ-Centered environment. During this time, more than 1,200 girls arrived at a fork in the road and were thankfully led to StreetLightUSA for a new chance at life.

     I recently had the opportunity to connect with and learn from other leaders in this academically robust and rapidly changing field of work and have been reflecting upon my own ten years of fighting for girls victimized by child sex trafficking.  What I have found to be true and hear echoed across the field of experience and expertise, and something that I believe StreetLightUSA does very well, is Relationships are key with the children in our care.

     A real relationship is the answer to reaching and restoring the lives of children who suffer the impact of trauma due to sexual exploitation. And while we continue to research and refine our programs and approach to successful outcomes, at the end of the day, Relationship IS the Intervention.

     Whether you have followed our journey for 10 years or just a few weeks, I hope you will continue to support StreetLightUSA and to talk with your friends, families, and colleagues about the very real issue of child sex trafficking in our community and how together we can be the EXACT intervention that is needed to keep a child from falling back into the arms of her abuser.

     You can be the EXACT intervention that is needed to help a child transition into a loving family. We want to BE THE INTERVENTION in the lives of the children in our care. Our residents need connection, acceptance, hope and love and if they don’t get it from us they will get it from somewhere else; which could be a harmful place from which it is very difficult to return.

     When you choose to support StreetLightUSA you are changing the direction of a child’s life. She is no longer alone, used and forsaken. Your support is not just a meal or clean bed, life skills or GED classes, clothing, or a survivor-led group or counseling session. You are supporting more than programs founded on evidence-based best practices, and one of the only organizations in the country to provide extensive wrap around, trauma-informed services and education on a residential campus for girls. You are supporting passionate, dedicated individuals who reach out with their hearts to serve children in desperate need of a positive relationship.

     Your gift today, eligible for the Arizona QFCO tax credit, can support one of four categories where life-changing relationships are started or nurtured. We encourage you to give where your heart is most moved: Crisis Intervention & Basic Needs, Safety & Support, A Healing Home, or Education & Life Skills.

     I hope you will consider your role as critical as I do in our determined efforts to be the intervention that lets a little girl understand that she is loved and that she has a bright future that she can determine.

     My hope and prayer is that together we live out Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the suffering and afflicted. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted, to announce liberty to captives, and to open the eyes of the blind.”


StreetLightUSA, CEO 

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